Our Services
What we offer our clients
Plan & Benefit Reviews
Together we’ll ensure your plan is the most compatible for you as your needs and health evolve on your Medicare journey.
Annual Support
Our advisory services are not limited to Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period. We are here to support you throughout the year
with claims, issues, questions and more!
Educational Seminars
Throughout the year we host various educational seminars for AZ consumers. We cover the basics of Medicare’s moving parts, key information & Medicare updates.
Assistance for Your Friends & Family
Do you have family or friends who are Medicare-eligible, will be Turning 65, or are currently enrolled on a Medicare plan? Send them our way - we love referrals and would be pleased to offer them the same support and guidance.
Medicare Resources & Information
The 2024 Medicare & You Guide is available!
The Medicare & You guidebook is a free resource provided to all Medicare members by the U.S. Government. You likely received a physical copy in the mail, but we invite you to download a digital copy for your convenience.
Arizona Agency on Aging
An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a public or nonprofit private agency that helps older Arizonans. AAAs are chosen by the State to plan and coordinate services at the local level:
Advocate for older adults
Offer information on programs, options, and community supports
Medicare Basics
Medicare offers different options for you to get health care coverage. Visit the official Medicare.gov website for a detailed run-down of Medicare’s moving parts:
Parts of Medicare
General Costs
How Medicare Works
Working Past 65
Core Medicare Options
Special Needs Plans are Medicare Advantage plans designed for individuals with unique healthcare needs - such as chronic conditions, specific illnesses, or those who qualify for both Medicare & Medicaid (Dual-Eligible).
Special Needs Plan (SNP)
Medicare Advantage (MA/MAPD)
Medicare Advantage (Part C) is an alternative form of coverage to Original Medicare. These plans are offered by private insurance companies and combine Parts A & B into a single plan while offering members “extra benefits” that would typically not be covered under Original Medicare.
Medicare Supplement (Medigap)
Medicare Supplement plans are intended to work with Original Medicare. They help to cover, or, “fill the gaps” in the healthcare costs that aren’t typically covered by Original Medicare. These plans are offered by private insurance companies and come in a wide range of standardized options.
Original Medicare
Original Medicare is the foundational healthcare program provided by the federal government. It consists of Parts A & B, which cover things like doctor or hospital visits and preventative care.
Prescription Drug Plan (PDP)